torsdag 11 december 2008

Från Myspace Bloggen

Hallå hejsan, ytterligare en vecka senare, haha...
Blir kort men "långt" inlägg nu, klockan är som sagt som vanligt på övertid...

Hursomhelst så har jag bloggat runt lite, dels på, och därefter på, samt vissa andra communitys jag vart med i.... Men har nog fastnat här på, "for good"...
Har redan fört över i början av denna blogg, mina inlägg från bloggspot, men här kommer även mina inlägg, både på engelska och svenska...
Läste igenom vissa inlägg och insåg, att under "myspace-tiden", var då som jag blogga och skrev som bäst...
Men förhoppningsvis blir det bättre nu :)

Som sagt, klockan är på övertid nu, så ska ta och natta kudden, höres, då skickar jag upp en veckorapport om vardagen min också...
Sen också varför jag försvunnit under en period, tills dess, simma lugnt!


18:38 - Helg med Kattis & Grattis Sanna

Först och främst, GRATTIS på 20årsdagen (igen) Sanna =)
Vi synes lite senare idag ;)

Hmm, klockan va visst halv 3 nu, men flickorna gick ju iofs inte härifrån för inte så länge sen...
Vi såg The Hills Have Eyes 2 (grym film) & DuoJag (förvirrande film)...

Börjar bli trött, så sammanfattar helgen lite kort ...

Fredag: Middag hos Kattis & co, med snacks och film -> Night at the museum (bättre än jag trodde), sen nattkuddning.

Lördag: Grillning, solning, fyllehantering, stadsvandring, en drink, däcka hos mig med Kattis

Söndag: Sen uppgång, snabb frulle, för många matplaner, lång matvila, tur till pizzerian, uppmötande av sanna, sen filmtajm hos mig...

God Natt



07:24 - Pluto, färdig!
Aktuellt humör: stressad

Woho, äntligen klar med Pluto arbetet...
Nu snabb, sen lunch, byta om och sen tripp iväg till el trabajo!

Också ringa HAN ("be om ursäkt, för artigheten skull")
och kanske hon och han ("samma där eller?"),
skicka sms till dom (för att se vad som händer denna lill-lördag),
jaja, nu vartär pronto, ciao!



16:35 - 4 Bilder, 3 Dagar...

Nu var det återigen ett tag sen jag skrev här...
Men som vanligt ska jag försöka återberätta det jag minns med hjälp av lite bilder...
Idag blir det fyra bilder...

1) Tisdagen den 22 Maj, hade jag lovat Mona att vi skulle plugga tillsammans.
Oftast brukar vi göra det hemma hos mig, men det brukar gå sisådär, jag hittar alltid på en massa annat att göra, serrni...
Så nu bestämde jag mig för att dra med Mona till något bibliotek eller café istället, and off we went...
Vi hamnade först inne på Stadsbiblioteket i Odenplan, men de stängde runt 20,
så då gav vi oss iväg och satte oss på Café Bellman, tror jag att det heter...
Och innan vi fortsatte vår diskussion, köpte jag mig en macka som jag tröck i mig haha...

2) Torsdagen den 24 Maj, mötte jag Sanna efter jobbet "som vanligt",
vi tog oss från Östis till Medis och åt, det var rätt kyligt, så vi drog oss hem till Sanna istället...

3) Där spelade vi ett parti Ny Geni också och jag vann  *woho* Haha, det såg egenligen rätt kört ut för mig i början, men ojj vad allmänbildad jag är och vann det hela =) Men damn grymt svåra frågor för att vara 12års spel...

När vi spelat klart, fick jag flipp och ville sy kläder, hade nämligen sett Modetidningen Modette's inslag i .SE, där de låtit 3 personer slänga ihop något fint, med hjälp av säkerhetsnålar, tejp, en sax och 500kr att handla för på ÖB!
Vi letade fram lite lakan och Sanna's mors syredskap och började...
Vi bestämde oss för att vara vakna hela natten, för att gå och frulla hos Angie runt 10.
Men icke sa nicke, vi somna i soffan runt 9, däremot så lyckades jag få ihop en finfin tub-tunika-top haha =)

4) Fredagen den 25 Maj, for jag och la familia ner till Katrineholm, det var egentligen bestämt att vi alla och en massa till skulle hyra en hel go-cartbana och köra loss på, men det var självklart fullbokat... Så vi begav oss ut på golfbanan istället, men det var lika kul det :)

Nu måste jag skriva klart ett arbete som egentligen skulle vara inne förra torsdagen,
men men better late than never right?



09:02 - The crack the bubble operation...

Jag har varit duktig och bränt mig på plåtsugnen häromdan när jag skulle fixa en pizza åt mig och syster yster... Men jag va så duktig att jag tappade pizzan i slasken och dum nog att ta tag med den oskyddade handen på plåten och wops så fick jag mig ett fint "litet"brännmärke på långfingret mitt. Jag sköljde skiten med vatten bara och så sket jag i det för jag var så hungrig.

Men nu idag efter gårdagens värk, så såg jag att brännmärket hade "bubblat" upp d.v.s. varen titta fram och format sig till en värkande liten bubbla.
Jag visade härligheten för mor min, och hon och J rekommenderade mig att spräcka skiten med en nål, no way tänkte jag, det är ju som ta självmord av fingret mitt.
Men efter J's berättelser om hur illa det kunde bli om jag inte gjorde det, så bestämde jag mig till slut för att spräcka skiten.

Det tog ett tag innan jag hitta en nål, eller det tog ett tag innan jag inte hitta någon alls, så istället tog jag en säkerhetsnål. Och efter tvättande och smörjande av handen och brännande av säkerhetsnålen så spräckte jag skiten, och guess what? Det gjorde faktiskt inte ont alls...

Va ute och promenerade med Rickard nyss, det va mysigt men jobbigt eftersom det blåste och vagnen var tung att köra vid uppförsbackarna...

Men nu måste jag nog göra det jag egentligen avsatt dagen för, nämligen pluggning *woho*. Eller först måste jag då ju ändå se klart på Run's house avsnitten, haha det ska bli kul att se hur morgondagens prov går, haha wish me luck =)
Ciao ;)



18:59 - Suduko & mammas brödmaskin...

Kom hem från Sanna för en stund sen. Stannade till där efter jobbet, hon bjöd på lite mat och lite vattenpipa på ballen som vanligt, mysigt, men lite kyligt...

Hade med mig två morgontidningar (eller vad de nu kallas = .SE & City), eftersom chefen min inte lät mig läsa klart dom på jobbet, jobbar tydligen sämre då, det har hon iofs rätt i, men iallafall, haha...

Läste igenom dem lite snabbt och fastnade på Sudokon återigen, eftersom jag var bara några rutor ifrån till att bli klar innan chefen tidigare dragit iväg den under arbetstid, så jag bestämde mig för att lösa klart den nu utan någon chef i närheten, och jovisst gjorde jag det. Det var iofs den lättaste, men iallfall, tog mig också tid att läsa den medelsvåra, och visst klara jag den med, men sen när jag begav mig på den svåraste, då kom det visst fram en och en annan svordom. Sanna tog den andra tidningen, men det gick tyvärr inte lika snabbt för henne, men visst klara hon det till slut, efter att vi skyllt på att en ruta fattades hit och en ruta fattades dit, och att linjerna va snea o.s.v.

Dom som sitter och gör dessa spel, måste ju va grymt smarta, eller helt enkelt grymt logiskt tänkare eller nåt sånt, duktiga är dom iallafall. Eller who knows, det kanske är datorer som fixar skiten, som allt det mesta these days...

Mor köpte för ungefär ett halvår sedan en apparat/maskin, ja vad man nu kallar det, en brödmaskin d.v.s. man slänger in ingredienserna i skiten sen så blandar, mixar, och bakas allt i den. Ok om man är lat eller har bråttom en morgon, men det är ju ändå roligt (i sällskap) och baka ihop något och sedan äta, annars kan man ju lika gärna gå och köpa sig nybakat bröd på närmsta café om man så vill ha det.

Hursomhelst så använde hon den för första gången igår, ett halvår senare än inköpet, haha stabilt, men men det blev ändå ett helt ok brödresultat.

Däremot hoppas jag inte hon får för sig att köpa något annat som ska bytas ut mot något praktiskt man kan göra själv, för visst är det väl ändå mysigt att exempelvis då baka ihop något och därefter njuta av sitt arbete?


19:05 - För bra för att glömmas...
Aktuellt humör: bra

Detta kanske kommer sent, väldans sent... Men bättre sent än aldrig, right? Anledning till att det kommer nu än aldrig, är först och främst för att jag varit så lat med att hinna med att skriva ihop det (nu) och (ej aldrig) för att det är för kul för att skrivas bort...

Hursomhelst, om vi går tillbaka till söndagen den 1 April 2007, en varm och härlig "på G vår dag." Jag står och städar undan det sista strax innan fikapausen. Men istället för att gå till fika rummet drar Baltic & David med mig till husets gym, med tanke på att vi arbetat väldigt snabbt och effektivt idag och gjort oss förtjänta av en längre rast. I gymet "tränade" vi lite, eller rättare sagt provade maskiner, det gick inte så bra så vi spelade lite badminton istället.

När jag besegrat grabbarna gång på gång, haha, så drog vi vidare och tog lite fika och sedan satte vi oss i solen. Kollade mobilen min, och hade fått en massa roliga svar. Jag skickade nämligen detta sms till Mona, Kattis, Angie & Sanna:

"Hey flickor, jag tackade nej till biljetterna för lets dance i fredags så nu fick jag 5 biljetter till busta istället. Det blir jag, sanna, angie mona och kattis. Jag slutar halv 5 så möt mig kvart i 5 i medis, glöm inte leg och pengar om ni vill dricka, det är på berns insläpp 8, puss"

Jag kan va ärlig och säga att första delen av sms:et var sant, och slutet, däremot inte att jag hade 5 biljetter haha, april april :D
Fick dessa svar iallfall...

Jag satte mig och skrev låtsasbiljetter, som jag skulle ge dem haha, och shit vad jag hade det kul under resten av min arbetsdag.

Det slutade med att Angie ville komma men hennes mor tvingade med henne ut till hennes kile där dem grilla. Därmot så mötte Sanna mig efter jobbet och vi åt och tog oss en drink på en myspys restaurang vid gamla stan, och ca 2 timmar senare kom Mona & Kattis, för att vi som sagt skulle röra oss mot Berns. Sedan gav jag dem fake-biljetterna och sprang iväg haha.
Vi surade och skrattade och åkte till slut vidare in till Medis/Slussen.
Jag fattar inte att vännerna mina på ett eller annat sätt alltid går på mina april-skämt år efter år, när ska de lära sig? haha, watch out next year, eller i maj, fast då va jag för trött för att skojja till det haha...

Hursomhelst här lite bilder och text från de senaste dagarna jag varit frånvarande...

1) Jag & Sanna gick på relasefest @ Café Opera, efter jobbet den 3 Maj 2007
2) Angie ringde upp mig en söndags morgon, och drog med mig på en frulle @ Grab N' Go @ Söderhallarna, därefter en långpromenad ändå bort till Skansen.

1) Utsikten från Skansen
2) Utsikt från Skeppsholmen, en kvällspromenad med Angie & Chamon

Kollade på Mr Bean tidigare idag, med Angie & Adhanet, den va faktiskt inte lika rolig som va trodde, istället skrattade vi åt annat, men ändå lite åt filmen, hursomhelst är den inte värd att lägga pengar på om man vill ha sig ett grymt skratt...

Har däremot lyckas få med mig Angie att kolla på Borat någon dag... Har inte gjort det än, även fastän jag fått rekommendationer att göra det, men också varningar på att inte göra det, hursomhelst så vill jag ha en egen uppfattning, så Borat here we come, Ciao!



18:06 - Dinner at Sanna's...
Aktuellt humör: hel

Sitting in Sanna's home, with her fallend asleep.
So this is going to be a short and fast entry with some pictures...

1) Dinner with Angie, at our local pizzastore
2) Looking at my sisters show in her school, last thursday
3) From todays dinner with Sanna, made by us...

No I'm going to wake Sanna up, and go out and take some fresh air...
Wakie Wakie, mohahaha


19:36 - WANTED: Lipton
Aktuellt humör: törstig



F*n vad svårt
det ska vara att få tag i en specefik sak, i dagens fall en "dricka", en icetea från Lipton. Sh*t vad sugen jag var på det tidigare idag. Men icke sa nicke. Självklart hittar jag ingen affär som säljer detta. Varför? Ingen aning.
Men eftersom jag för några år sen missbrukade den drickan en varm sommar i Prag, Tjeckien, och för några dagar drack icetea, från Nestea, så blev jag återigen påmind om hur vi flickor släckte törsten de varma och härliga sommardagarna där nere.
Icetet från Nestea, var alltså inte lika gott som det från Lipton.
Och därför var eller ÄR jag på jakt efter det.
Så om nån vet vart eller hur man kan få tag i det, så halla at me ;)

Haha vaddå, annons/beroende budskapsinlägg, haha men what a hell, vill man ha nåt så vill man!

Nu ska jag sova, och drömma mig iväg i iceteans värld, haha.
God natt, förresten det gick "bara" sisådär idag på jobbet, men nu ska jag njuta av min 4-6 dagars ledighet, woho, give me more summer

Fan har hamnat återigen, med att va uppe sent om nätterna, men otroligt nog klarar jag ändå av dagarna, härligt, men måste nog börja lägga mig tidigare igen, jaja god natt!



14:49 - I did it...! =)

Woho, now I'm happy and will hopefully have a better sleep tonight...
If you have read earlier, yesterdays work didn't went so well,
but today I manage, lets say 99% of my goal, so I'm happy.
But tomorrow is another day, but who cares?
I will take that tomorrow as it comes, and instead enjoy todays achievements...

I'm hungry, so Ciao!

05:12 - Sleepless Night
Aktuellt humör: nervös

When I woke up this morning at 10AM, Jonas asked me:
- Are you sick? Since I woke up that early, even though I didn't work.

The reason was for that was because I've promised a friend, to help her with some laundry, nice huh? But she wasn't there, instead her father was there, so I talked to him for a while, then I went home and ate breakfast...
I'm proud that I didn't went back to bed and fell asleep again, since I didn't sleep so good this night...
Why? I don't know, I guess I was thinking of alot of things...
But why? At that time?

I hope that I will achieve my goal today at work, so I can have a nice sleep tonight, since it didn't went so good yesterday...

Now, I got to take a shower, before Mona comes, so ciao ciao!
Wish my luck, yuck!
Later, Aligator ;)


19:09 - Lousy Weather...
Aktuellt humör: vaken

From this last wednesday until comming sunday, I have a couple of days off, from work :)
Nice! I thought, but these last days has brought the capital sh*tty weather, wonderful *not!
Even though it wasn't any sun outside, and windy and sometimes rainy, me and Sanna went to the city both wednesday, and friday...

Oh by the way, yes i finally cutted my hair a bit at the barber, last wednesday, and I also spent some money on unnecessary things, but also a leather jacket, which wasn't unnecessary though!
After our haircutting and shopping we went and took a glass and listened to some livemusic...

The live music scen, and our healty and unhealty snacks,

Thursdays weather was worse, so I just staid at home, or I met Sanna in the evening and we bought some snacks and looked at ALPHA DOG & Employee of The month...

And today, we we're planning to go to the city around 12o'clock, but since we fell asleep around 5am, we didn't came to the city until 3pm. I really don't know why we went in, but we bought some unnecessary things today also, a wallet for an example, even though we have some... But but, we didn't stay there for a long time, since we got hungry, so we went home, bought some food and started to cook it...

The food to the left is mine, and the one to the right belongs to Sanna
Do you know who Mark Twain was?
Either do I, but I Do know, that he once said:

Let us be grateful for the dummies, without them we others couldn't success..

The reason for me writing that, is because, Angie called me earlier this day, and asked me if I wanted to join her and some others, out tonight. Sure I thought first, but then I thought again, since she always want to go a special place, and I don't really like that place.
I don't know why she does it, since she almost always is being kicked out from it because she is to drunk or has started to fight with someone.
Okay, we might know most of the guards their and some of the people who use to go there.
But, why Angie, why? Do you love that place so much?

I guess it it's like that old and ugly sweater you love, but others hate, and still keep.
Anyway, as you might notice I staid home, it was to cold outside, and I felt like one day home since I've been out late this whole week, but you never now what happends tomorrow...

Good Night, Sleep Tight, And Quit Fight!



07:30 - Phonecalls, how hard to get?
Aktuellt humör: nervös

I didn't know, it was so hard to get hold on to a police officer on phone.
I think I have rung around every single police station in Stockholm.
I mean, is it really that hard to call and have some questions answeard?
Not that I want to complain or anything, but what if... Oh never mind,
the policemen yesterday was very friendly and polite when he said hi, though!
So I still like them, they gave us a ride home one day, remember Angie? haha...

I haven't, only spoken with the police today, but also some hairstylist...
I've decieded to cut my hair. So tomorrow I'm going to a barbershop, or my friend Hanna, will have the honor to cut it, for a lunch or dinner exchange...
We'll see, I'll get back at you on that...

Photoshooting in my Good-Morninghair, haha...
Cut, cut, cut!
BUT, will it be nice?


16:38 - My first summer icecream!
Aktuellt humör: glad

Woho, the summer is here!
This whole weekend, the weather has been perfect! Warm and sunny, just like we love it, haha...

This friday, I met Nicole my old friend again, and we went out with Sanna also...

Saturday, I spent with Jasmin, my old schoomate, which I haven't seen for a while...
We took a long and nice walk, even though her foot were aching. We also took our first official summer icecream, sweet!
And today, Sunday, me and Sanna went and watched a Stand up Comedy show.
We came about 1 hour late, because we sat and ate dinner, but it was ok and fun anyway, and I ended up talking a little bit with one of the hostess.

Ice, ice baby with some cream!
Here's finally my summerdream



09:44 - Unlucky day today?

Hey hellow!
Long time no write, me knows...
I've been busy and lazy, but here I am!
Got alot to show and tell, but no time, so I'll try my best to make the best of it...

Last week(end) it was the easter holiday, and i spent it with the family at the "countryside". Like tradition we ate a lot of food and candies, and one morning I woke up to late to the breakfast, and I didn't have the energy to fix everything, so I ate along with the others while they were having a coffee. So this was my breakfast:

We ate a lot of nice food, but also a lot of junk, but we didn't not only ate, we also did some householding or rather say gardingcleaning. We fired up some old leaves and old trees/bushes and so on.

Talking about food, this is some of the meals I've eaten out this last time... Lex, enjooy haha ;)

Now I really need to go and take a shower, make some dinner and then change and prepare for a girls night out. So I'll end with these pictures, from Dagen D (live music show day for unsigned artist), with Kattis. And mine and Sanna's wonderful desert at Fridays.

By the way, noticed that it was Friday the13th today, I hope it will not turn out unlucky...

Bon apetit, just a little bit...
For now! Ciao!



17:32 - Sunshine!
Aktuellt humör: besviken

<Bild Saknas>
Ha estado una semana con muy encantador tiempo calor!
Y eso que celebro con este foto de mi sol de las semanas = mi heramana!
Del barco, en una verano caliente pasado.

As I said, this week has been hot hot HOT!
Last weekend, I spent with my sister, shopping, eating out and looked at the general repitiation of the Swedish show "Melodifestivalen". She is a big fan of "that"...

The rest of the week, i was spending at work, as I usual do these days. But after that I met the girls, for a long nice walk, or just a drink or a meal.

This weekend, I had a unplanned clubbin', with Sanna, Mikaela and Carro.
Even though it wasn't planned, it was nice...

Today, I've worked, again! haha, and after that me and Sanna ate at "Kungshallen".
And the kebab-rest, seemed to have made my wishes to a meal = kebab & chicken with pommes! NICE =)

BUT, even though was nice weather, it didn't stop the f*cking snow, to come down today anway! That's why I'm disappointed! When the hell is the real summer coming?
Damn I've suffer and looning for it for to long know, and I think it's enough!

General Repetation of Melodifestivalen 2007
They sang about worrying kind,
But summer is the only thing on my mind :(

Hot hot Bye!

<Bild Saknas>

Kebab & chicken with pommes, salad and sauce!
Sorry Lex :p



15:42 - The Pursuit of Happyness
Aktuellt humör: rörd


Short and easy, I've been busy with work lately, that's why I haven't been so active here. Anyway I've also fixed a so called normal day rutine, meaning I sleep at night and wake up early in the morning.

But today I woke up 11:30, free from work, nice... I had planned to go training, but something came up...
Sometimes when I am home at 13:00 o'clock I use to watch "Days of our lives", yes that never endning show. But it's a nice time pastime when you have nothing to do. And after that I sometimes look at The Oprah Winfrey Show, and today Will with his childrens Jaden & Willow was there, promoting Will & Jaden's movie:
The Pursuit of Happyness.
Damn Will has become old, I noticed on his grey hair, but daamn his childrens are cute.
Sanna, told me a couple of days ago that she saw the movie, and it was awesome, she cried and recommended me to see it right away.

The movie is based on a true story, and the man and his son who are the real characters in the movie, were there also. They showed some short clips from the movie, and I almost cried just by looking at them. So I decieded I got to see that movie!

And now I've done it, and I recommend it as well...
Wish, Hope and Pursue!
Tomorrow it might be you ;)


16:26 - Jamaican After Work
Aktuellt humör: glad


<Bild Saknas>

Today, after 8hours of working on a sunday, I met Nicole again, my childhood friend.
We ate and took some drinks at Back a yard, the only Jamacian restaurant in Estocolmo baby! It was the first but not last time we visited that place :)
And today was also a lovely weather day
The reason, for my "one-month" disappearing, will come in next entry I write, I think?

Ya man, Going to bed now...
Dutty Yeah ;)



09:13 - 360+0

It says that a picture, tells more than thousands of words. I really don't know if I agree with that, so I'll get back at you on that. But since I start to work at 8:00 AM, 7 hours to go, I'll just post some pictures, and some text to show and tell what I've been up to these past days... Ciao!

..> ..>
Idag, och förra onsdagen, en vecka sedan, så tvättade jag. Helt otroligt, 2 gånger på en vecka! Det tycker jag iallfall, med tanke på att aldrig tvättat på ca 19år. Annars har jag Mami, alltid fixat det åt mig :)
Även fastän jag egentligen inte haft råd så har jag ätit ute den senaste dagen. Bilden här är från i Söndags (4 Februari 2007) och visar en Grillbiff med Pommes, Bearnisésås och sallad. Underbart gott, och härligt sällskap med Angie & Lina, samt Carlos som kom sen...

Härlig att äta "riktig" mat, eftersom vi tillbringade helgen på Viking Line, där vi inte lyckades komma i tid till buffén, och fick klara oss på mackor, och halvdana pizzor istället.
Något annat som är underbart, är denna härliga bild på en skön utsikt. Angie och Saman kom och plockade upp mig idag efter att jag hade tvättat, och sen åkte vi hit, där jag bara var tvungen att ta en bild på härligheten. Och fan vad jag längtar till sommaren fortfarande!
Jag och Angie har äntligen, efter månaders tal om att börja träna, satt snacket i funktion. Angie iofs lyckades komma igång en vecka tidigare, men jag får helt enkelt skylla på jobbet. Men idag, drog hon med mig, och shit jag är "pretty proud of myself", orkade faktiskt mer än vad jag trodde.
<Bild Saknas>Men nog om detta, måste natta kudden nu, ska upp om ca 5 timmar, men fan blev hungrig av "mat-bilden" där uppe, så jag ska väl ta och göra mig en nattmacka. Och kanske somna till tv:n? Mysigt :D Men egentligen borde jag ju inte för jag ska ju jobba om ca 5 timmar.
På tal om jobb, så jobbar det en jätte trevlig och söt pöjk på OKQ8-macken i Djursholm....
For those who wondering about today's "title", is because 360 is the number of how many eggs i crashed yesterday. It was very fun, intresting and learning. Or rather say imagening, I made up my own stories in my head why there was two "egg-balls", inside, twins maybe? Never seen it before, so it was very intresting and my kind of "making up a story-learning"...

If you add on one more zero to 360 you get 3600, and that's the price of the traingcard I'm thinking of buying. Don't really know if I'm going to, since I have a strong feeling, I won't use it as offen it should be, so I'll get back to that also...

Ciao again!



19:17 - Galen, Men Mycket Trevlig Helg...
Aktuellt humör: hungrig

Är nyss hemkommen från en liten biltripp med Angie. Det är faktiskt väldans mysigt att bara åka och äta, sen åka runt lite, lyssna på musik och prata. Och ännu mysigare är det om det regnar ute, och man ligger i baksätet och kollar på film.
Det gjorde jag och syster yster för ett tag sen, med mor och "far", ner till stugan. Det tog en jävla lång tid att komma fram däremot, men vi hade det mysigt där bak i bilen  Ensam Hemma 2 tittade vi på

<Bild Saknas>

Helgen, tillbringade jag hos Angelika. Det är nog bara;
jag som lyckas ha bandage runt en enda tå...
jag och (många andra, jag vet en -> den jag tillbringade utgångarna med) som lyckas supa bort en hel månadslön...
jag och Angie, som är så förvirrade att vi bokar en kryssning till nästa helg även fastän vi egentligen inte borde...

Sup och svälj, trevlig helg!


01:45 - Once upon a time...

Una vez sobre una época, había una época...

Una época sin problemas y dolores.
Una época sin ediciones del materia y del dinero.
Una época en que el conocimiento y la energía no eran importantes.
Una época en que apenas nada especial era la cosa más divertida o más fresca del mundo.
Una época sin saber sobre tiempo...
Falto esas épocas... Una epoca, yo falto tambien

Ps. The picture was taken in Spain, and the orginalpicture you can find on my profile ;)

Once upon a time, there was a time...

A time without problems and sorrows.
A time without materia and money issues.
A time when knowledge and power wasn't important.
A time when just nothing special was the funniest or coolest thing in the world.
A time without knowing about time...

I miss those times...


19:24 - Let it snow...
Aktuellt humör: Frozen

The birthdaymovie, is finally finnish and given to the "birtdaychild", and so also her celebrating, this past sunday. She offered a nice dinner, and an okey club-night. She didn't dare to look at the movie, when she got it. She blamed the dvd for not working,  so we decided to set another date to look at it, all together since the rest also wanted to watch it.

That sunday, the weather decided to be a cold day, with a lot of snow. Great! I thought, or not!  Our whole entire outfits for the night were ruined, but we decided to beat the weather and went out anyway, with a lot of help of taxi cars

Anyway, when we went home, it was still snowing a little bit, but instead of beeing angry and mad about it, I appreciated it! I really don't know why, since it ruined our plans, and got us all freezing. But I guess it was a nice vision to see everything covered by the white snow, and the streetlamps glowing it up...

Todays words of visdom:

"I rather have a honest enemy, than a lying friend..."

A, if she asks you, or us, you'd better not lie, one way or another she will find out, someday.
Don't be afraid! If she can't handle the truth, she must at least respect our honesty, right?

Liar liar, conscience on fire...



19:24 - What a wonderful feeling...
Aktuellt humör: Lovely

Today, was a lovely day... Not only because I woke up early (11:30) and saw and experienced daylight a few hours more than usually. But also because I've done a lot of good and funny things today.

First of all, I went home to my friends home, her mother helped me with some things to a project I'm working with. Even though I was a little stressed because I was late to a lesson, we had fun looking through some material for the project.
After that I went of to lunch with Mona, even though we're late to the lesson. I'm taking a term of psychology lesson, since I didn't finnish it, back in the old days when I was to lazy to go to that morning class. It was a fun lesson, we looked at a movie about babies and children, and had a good laugh.

After that I met Sanna, and send Mona home, because me and Sanna were supposed to go to the city, and buy a little birthdaygift to her. After "a lot" of looking (mostly to ourselves) we finally bought, one thing, and were proud of our self, so we decieded to continue the giftshopping tomorrow, and instead rewarded ourselfs with dinner.

I've also planned to meet up with to old friends of mine, Semhar and Nicole, which also joined us for dinner at a foodcourt in city. We ate, talked, laughed there for almost 2 hours, so after that we took a long walk, but landed up in a very cozy cafeteria, were we sat until they closed.
But instead of going home, Nic got hungry, so we joined her for her dinner, and also there we sat a very long time.At last, we finally came home around 01.00.

Damn I've missed those girls a lot. And even though we don't see or talk with eachother everyday, they'll always have a place in my heart. I mean they are two of some people I grew up with, and we share so many memories and laughter together.
As we said when we were "younger", we shall never lose contact and so on. Unfortunally we did sometimes. But I guess that is why you call some of your friends, your best friends.
Because even though you're not talking or seeing eachother, for days or even months, you can always and count on them, and also meet them and talk funny memories, which are very good for your heart, soul and stomach. (With constant laughing, your abs works and so on haha)
So If you agree with me, or disagree, call up a old friend and just talk, you won't regret it! Either you will have a lovely day or you will realise who really is/are a "best friend".

Love you all, you know which I mean.
No names namned, No namnes forgotten, Only written, in my heart

Now I am going to continue with a birthdaymovie I'm editing.
By the way, me and Sanna are going to try not to sleep today, so I have a little time to work with the movie, and so she can laundry, and then take a breakfast out, so we can continue our giftshopping.
Wish us good luck

At the cozy café...

Sleep Tight, But Not Tonight,
Atleast Not For Me...




18:57 - Back 2 Business 4 Real
Aktuellt humör: vaken

Right now, I AM back to business and this time for real.
I started work this monday, and really enjoy beeing back on track.
Maybe because I took a little to long holiday, but anyway, better back now then never, right?

And talking of beeing back, my mobilecontacts are coming back, slowly but safe. But even though I've only given my new number to people that I've written into the mobile's phonebook. I already have some strange and quiet phonecall, not really prankcalls, only calls which the person who calls are either quite or hang up when I answear.
I don't think those persons I've have in my phonebook right now are doing it, or are they? Weird and confusing, I know...

Birthdays... January, are one of the month of this year, a lot of persons in my circle of acquaintances, are celebrating their birthday.
One of them are turning 20 soon, and I've decided to make a speciell surprise "movie-present" to her. I really can't say more, IF she reads here, it won't be a surprise, so my lips are sealed.
All I can tell is the time is running a little to fast, but even though it's a couple of days left, I don't know if my time will be enough, but we'll see, whish my luck, and her happy birthday

Unnecessary information... I bought, or got a toothbrush, last time I visited my dentist, I really don't remember if I got it for free or if I bought it from them, but that's not important in this case. The important thing is that it came from the dentist clinic. Even though I "got" it before, I haven't tried it until now, since my "old" one, became old  So I threw it away, BIG mistake, since this new one, is AWFUL, not only it's appearance (to dark blue, and almost straighter than a ruler), and good daamn it's really painful while brushing, even though my dentist told me.

"This is a perfect thouth brush, because the brushes is very soft, and good for your gums."
BULLSH*T!! I'm thinking of changing dentist after this, but after all she and her assistance are really nice, they even gave me a free time before the turn of the year, but I was to tired to go at it...
But anyway, aren't things and stuff you get from your dentist supposed to be good for your teeths? Think of that! next time you are thinking of buying something there, you can find a similar product in a regular store, maybe cheaper maybe exspensivier, but maybe better
Have a good smile


09:35 - Why...?
Aktuellt humör: Proud Big Sister

Damn... I'm back again beeing up to late and today I woke up at 3:00 PM, daamn, I only managed 2 days, but tomorrow I hopefully will get back on track, or will I...? The reason I'm up now, is because Sanna and Kattis, which were here, just left. We had a cosy little game and movie evening. It was fun, but we didn't watch the movie a lot, instead we just talked.

Yesterday, I went up around 1:00 PM, met Nadia and as I told we had a funny but wonderful lunch. After that I went home, babysat my siblings, and in the evening I went out with for a coffee with Sanna.
By the way, I've got the Sims 2 cd-rom, and I think that is the reason for me beeing "back on the bad track" again. Since I sat up to late because of that game.

Earlier this today, I tried to help my sister with her homework. Damn she is nine years old, almost ten year, but she can't say what time it is and so on, is that normal? My mami told me that I could say the time when I was 5-6 years old.. But even though me and my sister got into a little fight (me screaming and her crying) because she is a little bit hardheaded or lazy or something, I love her. And even though she can't tell me what time it is, or sometimes ask me to tell her when the time is 6 o'clock because her show start at that time, she really is smart there somewhere.
Because this is somethings that have came out from her mouth, believe it or not, it's very smart thinking, but in the end not...

"Why do you rob a bank, when you can go to the cash dispenser?"
"Why can't I eat up all your chewing gum, when you buy more of it when it's finnish?"

And the best one
"Why do I have to learn to the time, when somebody can say it to me?"

She really is something, don't you think?
Go 2 go bed, ciao!


15:12 - Back 2 Business
Aktuellt humör: hoppfull

This time, it isn't that late, if you compare with my other blog entries. Anyway I've promised myself and my mom, to try to change my day rythm again. It goes up and down. But today I went up at 12:30, a couple of hours earlier than I use to these last days...

I hope tomorrow, will be the same, because I'm meeting an old friend of mine which I haven't seen since graduation, Nadia. She owe's me lunch or dinner. But I guess it will be a lunch, since she's going back to Götlaborg again, crazy girl those who knows about the story, knows what I mean. But you never have a day without laughing when you are with her.

Anyway, I've got myself a new mobile now, so I'm "back in business" again, meening, tomorrow I will call up some people so I can go back to work and all the projects again. But in one way, having this to loong holiday, was sweet!
But as they say, business is business, and you can't do a shit without the money. And I really need it now, since I spent around 7000:- this past day. And I've got some debt and "donations" to pay off.

Talking about my mobile, I bought one which I didn't expected I would buy and at this store I earlier have had "bad thoughts" about.
This is the long story, short... I was planning to buy a Sony Ericsson mobile, but I came home with a Samsung, and I was planning to buy it on one of this regular stores (OnOff, Elgiganten etc.), but I bought it at "The phone house". Earlier I thought to myself.
"Damn, those persons who buy mobiles from those kind of stores (Vodafone/Telenor, Telia, 3's stores etc.) must be foolish buying a mobile which you can buy a little bit cheaper somewhere else AND must have a mobile-subscription on and so on"
I've had it once, having my parents paying the account, but since I always overloaded it and once again lost the whole mobile. I decided never again.

BUT, of course this time I didn't started a new mobile-subscription, because I didn't had to :) My thoughts were wrong  Okay, the mobiles might be a little more expensive there, but hey, it could be more expensive with a subscription. But as I said, I didn't had to start one. Instead a took an one year insurance, even though the cashier, a pretty nice one, told me I could take a quarter, and then increase it. But in thought of my experience with mobiles I decieded to take one year right on!

I've changed my profile song, earlier I hade Million's "Miss Fatty", but now I have Mario V's "Gallery". I found a really hot remix on it, so I decided to look him up here on Myspace, so I could add his song, he had the song, and a remix, but unfortunally not the one I have.

Not only the orginal beat and the remix, are hot hot HOT. The lyrics is aswell, how many times have you or a friend of yours, stood out with somebody, just because? yeah exactly... WHY?!

The feeling "do I deserve this"?
He/she will change?
The rumors aren't true?
Or even the money?

I mean check this part out:

"She's so confused
She knows she deserves more
Someone who will love and adore
But his money's hard to ignore
She really doesn't know what to do
Girl it's just a matter of time
Before he finds another more fine
After he's done dulling your shine
You're out the door and he's through with you

Tell me is the money worth your soul
Tell me what's the reason that you hold on,
When you know that dude has a whole wall of 'em just like you
And girl you're just way too fine
Gotta be treated as one of a kind
Girl use your mind
Don't be just another dime"

Shake ya later!



19:20 - Happy New Year :) New Year, New Mobile...
Aktuellt humör: förvirrad

Once AGAIN, I'm up to late... Or not even once, to be honest I've been going to bed with the sunrise this whole week. Why? Something I also thinking and wondering about. I guess, I'm taking and resting my time from the weeks before. The holiday-shopping, the friends and family visitings, the parties, and work...

But TODAY, (after almost 3-4 days, just chilling at home, spending time with the family or actually most in front of the tv/computer in my bed, just relaxing.)Today I woke up around 4pm, 4 hours earlier than the day before, I felt my resting days were done, and I used my "new" energy, and started to clean my room, folded my clothes and even vacuumed my room and my bathroom! I've even promised my mom to help her out with the laundry tomorrow, MORNING! Daamn, only thinking of it, makes me tired. But we'll see how that goes.

Tomorrow, I'm going in to the "big" city, or not, yes I'm, but the city aint that BIG. Because I didn't wish for anything special on christmas, so the family just bought some little ordinary stuffs.
But stupid as I was, I should, but didn't because the might get the "right" one.
I've planned to buy a new mobile before, but I didn't really know which to buy, damn these days there are so many things to know and have, and all I really need of it is to take and make phonecalls! The sms-part I prefere to skip, since I'm to lazy to struggle on the buttons, and since I have the ability to change mobile very often, I go crazy everytime I try to sms somebody, since it's different functions on every f*cking mobile. So instead I make it easy by just calling up the person, it may cost a little bit more, but heey it's 100 times more "comfortable".
Anyway, two days, two days before Christmas Eve, me, Angelica and her mom, went out, I don't know how or when, but I came home without my mobile. Actually I really don't care about the mobile, since a was planning to buy a new one, but all the contacts in it.
- Haven't you written them up, like me? Angelica said.
- No, I never thought I was going to be as clumbsy as you, loosing my mobile, I said.

As I said the mobile, weren't any value to me, but the contacts! I guess I can always fix the numbers in one way or another, I have to! Because behind some of those numbers, are some very special people. And yeah, special people should be reminded in your memory or something. But unfortunally my memory sucks!
It might not be that easy trying to fix over maybe 350 numbers, as it sound, wish me luck! But first, I must buy a new mobile.
The one I'm using for the moment, is small & cute, but hell no, the battery sucks!

Phone ya later ;)



19:36 - Santa Lucia...
Aktuellt humör: gladlynt

I guess, I'm up to late again?! But this time I can blame it on Myspace, to fix profile, pictures and music and so on, wasn't that easy as I thought it would be. But anyway, I've finally managed to fix some pictures, music and a background *woho*

Anyway, now I must jump into the shower, which I was supposed to do a couple hours ago, but I was stuck in front of the Tv, and after that cooking and baking, and believe it or not dancing around the christmas tree, which me and my sister took up yesterday.
It's to early to dance around it, I know, but there was a hot and crazy song on the radio, so I got a flip and started to dance!

I guess I've come into a strange Christmas spirit this past days, even though I "hate" this holiday. But in a weird feeling, I think I'm back loving it again.
I've even took a morning off from work tomorrow (or rather say today, since it's past midnight) just to see my lovely sister, marching? and singing in the so called "Lucia parade".

As I said earlier, now I really got to take a bath, then maybe a good night snack with Mami ?

I know, my english spelling sucks
But take it or leave it, haha Ciao for now!
*Jingle Bells Jingle Bells, tralalalaaa*

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