Freelancing in webb production

Homepages and Blogs
Logotypes, Banners and Headers etc...


Hobby Photographer
Shoots; People, Nature, City, Events...

Living in Spain

During 2006 me and my friend, moved to spain
Crazy times...

A trip to Paris

Family trip to France
Visiting the capital and Disneyland...

Roadtrippin in Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Took a housecar and travelled through Scandinavia
Fun times...

söndag 25 september 2022

Adrift (2018)

I am always a fan of "based on a true story" movies, so even though this one ended up on rotten tomatoes, I had to give it a go...
And after seing it, it was okay, not life changing but a nice and good story.
Reminds me a bit of James Franco starring movie 127 hours.

A true story of survival, as a young couple's chance encounter leads them first to love, and then on the adventure of a lifetime as they face one of the most catastrophic hurricanes in recorded history.