Freelancing in webb production

Homepages and Blogs
Logotypes, Banners and Headers etc...


Hobby Photographer
Shoots; People, Nature, City, Events...

Living in Spain

During 2006 me and my friend, moved to spain
Crazy times...

A trip to Paris

Family trip to France
Visiting the capital and Disneyland...

Roadtrippin in Sweden, Norway and Denmark

Took a housecar and travelled through Scandinavia
Fun times...

söndag 31 augusti 2008

Back again?

Gått lite segt på denna front, men snart j*vlar sätter jag igång!
Är i Katrineholm nu igen, verkar som om det bara blir rapporterar härifrån, för mycket att göra annars?
Njaaa... haha...